InfiniiVision 3000 X 系列示波器軟體
是德對 Keysight InfiniiVision 系列示波器軟體進行定期更新,以提供最新特性、整合客戶建議和確保合適的功能性。 我們在最新版本的系統軟體中免費提供軟體操作的修正。 目前出貨之儀器設備均標準配置這些新軟體特性,我們將向現有客戶收取合理的價格。 如欲瞭解有關新軟體特性和版本更新的詳情,請查看版本指南。 您必須更新軟體才能使用新特性。
如欲查詢您的示波器之軟體版本,請按前面板的 [Help] 鍵,然後按 About Oscilloscope 軟體功能鍵。
- 將軟體檔存入 USB 隨身碟,接著將 USB 插入示波器,按 [Utility] > File Explorer,選擇該軟體檔,並且按 Load File。
- 如果您的示波器已經連網: 您可將檔案下載到電腦中,連上示波器的網頁介面 (請參閱使用者手冊),按 Instrument Utilities 鈕,選擇 Firmware Version,找到並點選正確的軟體檔,然後按 Install。
完成示波器軟體更新後,請檢查校驗狀態: 請按 [Utility] > Service > User Cal Status。 如果出現 Results: OK 訊息,則無需重新校驗。 如需進行校驗,請按 Start User Cal 軟體功能鍵。
發佈日期 | 版本 | 版本說明 |
2024-02-01 | 2.66 | This is the firmware for the 3000 X-Series oscilloscopes. The VNC server software for the remote front panel functionality is no longer bundled with the oscilloscope firmware by default. Upgrading to this version of firmware will not delete the VNC server software from the oscilloscope; however, new or repaired oscilloscopes may not have the VNC server software installed. In this case, the oscilloscope's Browser Web Control page will provide a link for downloading the VNC server software. |
發佈日期 | 版本 |
2024-02-01 | 2.66 |
版本說明 |
This is the firmware for the 3000 X-Series oscilloscopes. The VNC server software for the remote front panel functionality is no longer bundled with the oscilloscope firmware by default. Upgrading to this version of firmware will not delete the VNC server software from the oscilloscope; however, new or repaired oscilloscopes may not have the VNC server software installed. In this case, the oscilloscope's Browser Web Control page will provide a link for downloading the VNC server software. |
Click the download button and save the file to a USB flash drive or to a temporary directory on your computer.
CAUTION: If your oscilloscope’s software version is prior to 2.41, you will need to change the suffix of the upgrade file from .ksx to .cab. Do not “unpack” or “unzip” the renamed .cab upgrade file; you could potentially load only a portion of the required files in the package, and this could result in your oscilloscope becoming non-operational, requiring it to be sent to a Keysight service center to be repaired.
If you are unable to SAVE the file, please try a different browser or contact us for help.
To update your oscilloscope's firmware, do one of the following:
- Place the file on a USB flash drive, connect it to the oscilloscope, press [Utility] > File Explorer, select the file; then, press Load File.
- If your oscilloscope is on the network: you can place the file on your computer, access the oscilloscope's Web Interface (see the User's Guide for details), click Instrument Utilities, select Firmware Version, browse to select the file; then, click Install.
After your oscilloscope's firmware is updated, check the calibration status: press [Utility] > Service > User Cal Status. If "Results: OK" is displayed, you do not need to recalibrate. If calibration is required, press the Start User Cal softkey.
- 不需要授權
安裝於: Instrument
- 無相關資訊
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