S97087B Intermodulation Distortion Measurements for P50xxA/B Streamline Series VNA
Easily set up and calibrate swept intermodulation distortion measurements (IMD) using the S97087B software application with the P50xxA/B Streamline Series VNA.
- Achieve fast swept-IMD measurements with internal sources — typically over 100 times faster than with traditional spectrum analyzers
- Easily set up IMD tests with two internal sources, multiple VNA modules, and a simple user-interface
- Get improved accuracy with an internal calibration routine
The S97087B intermodulation distortion (IMD) application makes it easy to set up and calibrate swept-IMD measurements of both amplifiers and frequency converters. It controls the frequency and power of internal and external sources and tunes the receivers to the main tones and IMD products in a single measurement channel. You can sweep either the center frequency of the two stimulus signals, the frequency spacing of the two stimulus signals around a fixed center frequency, the power of one or both stimulus signals, or the power of the LO signal.
The analyzer can measure intermodulation distortion products in the following order: 2, 3, 5, 7, or 9, and display the associated intercept points. The S75087B requires the use of the Direct Receiver Access (DRA) configuration (DRA is available on all units, no option is needed). Additionally, an external dual directional coupler and external combiner are needed. If the chosen hardware configuration requires two or more USB VNAs, the S97551B N-port Measurement application software is necessary for the operation of S97087B.