broad range of jitter, trigger, analysis, and protocol tools (featuring PrecisionProbe)
pre-built compliance testing software based on the expertise of our engineers on the standards committees, with the added flexibility of user-defined application add-on capability
MATLAB® software available directly from Keysight for making your own custom measurement and analysis routines, user-defined filters, or instrument applications.
Whether you’re validating emerging high speed serial bus technology; identifying spectral content of wide-bandwidth RF signals; or analyzing transient physical phenomena, you need the truest representation of your signals under test. The Keysight Infiniium DSOX91304A oscilloscopes are engineered for 13 GHz true analog bandwidth that delivers. By investing in a proprietary integrated circuit process, Keysight has enabled high-frequency capability while yielding the industry’s lowest noise floor and jitter measurement floor. The DSOX91304A features a full suite of applications that are ideal for your compliance testing of USB 3.0, GDDR5, DisplayPort, HDMI, and many more technologies. The DSOX91304A’s wide bandwidth, high effective number of bits, deep memory, and high spurious free dynamic range make analyzing RF signals in the X-band not only possible but accurate. Keysight’s DSOX91304A now features EZJIT+ new tailfit algorithm for easy and effective separation of difficult jitter situations such as aperiodic bounded uncorrelated jitter (ABUJ), which, coupled with a low jitter measurement floor means an accurate jitter picture.
The accompanying probing system offers browsing to 30 GHz with a full range of accessories rated to 28 GHz and the ability to upgrade bandwidth in the future. The DSOX91304A is fully compatible with the InfiniiMax I / II probing systems for probing from 1 GHz to 13 GHz.