The X8750 MIMO power test set performs synchronously triggered MIMO power measurements for up to four transmit chains. It is part of the Keysight IOT0047A regulatory test solution.
Keysight’s X8750A 4-channel MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output) power test set is an effective tool to use for wireless regulatory test power measurements. It consists of four sets of Keysight’s U2063XA USB wide dynamic range average and peak power sensors to perform synchronously triggered MIMO power measurements for up to four transmit chains. The X8750A MIMO power test set is part of the Keysight IOT0047A regulatory test solution. This solution accelerates certification of IoT devices operating in 2.4, 5, and 6 GHz bands.
- consists of U2063XA USB wide dynamic range average and peak power sensors to enable simultaneous 4-channel MIMO power measurements
- supports variable sampling rates of over 1 MSa/sec to meet or exceed regulatory requirements
- enables accurate root mean square (RMS) power measurement and calculation with broadband average power measurement capabilities