Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscopes


Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscopes

Achieve clarity faster


The Infiniium V-Series oscilloscopes incorporate innovative technology designed to deliver superior measurements. Whether you are testing multiple high-speed serial lanes or a massive parallel bus, the new 12.5 Gb/s, longest 160-bit hardware serial trigger and the world’s fastest 20 GSa/s digital channels will provide timely validation and debug– enabling you to develop the next generation of technology and research more quickly.

Introduction and Model Overview

The Keysight Technologies, Inc. Infiniium V-Series oscilloscopes incorporate innovative technology designed to deliver superior measurements. Whether you are testing multiple high-speed serial lanes or a massive parallel bus, the new 12.5 Gb/s, industry’s longest 160-bit hardware serial trigger and world’s fastest 20 GSa/s digital channels will provide timely validation and debug. Our oscilloscope’s low-noise front end technology, advanced InfiniiMax Ultra probe delivers up to 25 GHz bandwidth with an RC input impedance profile, providing the extremely low mid-band loading necessary to address modern highspeed probing requirements. It also supports InfiniiMode and has a user-defined AC calibration mode, a wider input voltage range, more accuracy with unique S-parameter characterization, lower capacitive loading, a wider input voltage range, micro / socketed probe heads for smaller density probing, and more bandwidths. Together with the broadest software solution coverage, the V-Series helps you achieve clarity faster in your design characterization to ensure your product ships on time.

Vertical System Specifications

RMS Noise Floor – Performance Characteristics (Measured)

Vertical System – Performance Characteristics

Horizontal System – Performance Characteristics

Acquisition System – Performance Characteristics

Trigger System – Performance Characteristics

Measurements and Math

Platform Characteristics

General Characteristics


Measured (meas)

An attribute measured during development for purposes of communicating the expected performance. This data is not warranted, does not include measurement uncertainty, and is measured at room temperature (approximately 23°C).

Nominal (nom)

The mean or average characteristic performance, or the value of an attribute that is determined by design such as a connector type, physical dimension, or operating speed. This data is not warranted and is measured at room temperature (approximately 23°C).

Specification (spec)

The warranted performance of a calibrated instrument that has been stored for a minimum of 2 hours within the operating temperature range of 5 – 40°C and after a 30-minute warm up period.

Typical (typ)

The characteristic performance, which 80% or more of manufactured instruments will meet. This data is not warranted, does not include measurement uncertainty, and is valid only at room temperature (approximately 23°C).

Operating frequency range

The operating frequency range is the frequency range of corrected signal spectral components by deembeding for frequency and phase characteristics of the individual hardware.

Analog bandwidth

The analog bandwidth describes the 3 dB bandwidth of the full opto-electronic input path without any frequency or phase corrections.


The sensitivity limit corresponds to the received signal power at the input interface for which a 32 GBaud DP-QPSK exhibits an EVM of 32.5% or less. An EVM of 32.5% corresponds to a BER of 1E-3 for assumed added Gaussian white noise (AWGN) according to =0.5*ERFC(1/(SQRT (2)* (EVM²+1))).

Effective Number of Bits (ENOB)

Definition in accordance with IEEE 1057: “For an input sinewave of specified frequency and amplitude, ENOB is the number of bits of an ideal waveform recorder for which the rms quantization error is equal to the rms NAD of the waveform recorder under test.” ENOB is determined by equation.