
Automotive Ethernet Conformance Test Software for Cables, Connectors and Harnesses

The Whole Communications Channel represents the complete wired connection between two transmit / receive modules with an automotive Ethernet interface using a two-wire twisted pair cable. The Keysight AE6910L software ensures signal quality requirements, with conformance testing for that channel. In addition, it performs return loss, insertion loss, mode conversion, and power sum cross talk measurements of a cable in a bundle. 

Unlike CAN, LIN, Automotive Ethernet demands rigorous compliance verification using test cases that cover transmitters (Tx), receivers (Rx), and harness/connector assemblies. To help you save time and effort, Keysight offers solutions that automate the testing and validation across Transmitter (Tx), Receiver (Rx), and the connections between automotive Ethernet devices. Our engineers have invested thousands of hours in learning the standards and creating automated, repeatable compliance tests. These proven applications help you ensure proper test configuration and valid measurement results. Ultimately, you’ll have greater confidence that your device is compliant. The automotive Ethernet test solution AE6900L offers hardware and accessories to make sure you have all of the components you need to get up and running quickly. 

Standards supported

  • Channel testing per OPEN Alliance (1000BASE-T1) - TC9 UTP and STP specifications
  • OPEN Alliance 100BASE-T1 Definitions for communications channel
  • IEEE 802.3bw, 802.3bp and 802.3ch

Key capabilities

  • Automatically detects the number of available ports
  • Creates a test plan for those lanes selected with all the required tests per the specification
  • Automatically sets up the network analyzer for each measurement and applies the limit lines
  • Expandable to cover proprietary limits and quickly adapt to new standards
  • Creates a printable PDF report of the tests that have been run

Ordering information

  • The software requires Keysight PathWave Test Automation software.
  • The software runs on a VNA with option TDR; choose benchtop, PXI, or USB.
  • Software licenses are available as node-locked, transportable, USB portable, or floating and can be purchased with 6, 12, 24, 36, or 60 months of support.
  • Configuration guidelines are available in the data sheet.

For more information about additional and more custom network analyzer software, please visit Network Analyzer Software.

Free Trials

Get a 30-day trial license for AE6910L.

24-Port VNA Automotive Ethernet Cable Measurements

A vector network analyzer (VNA) can characterize the impact that the channel has on the signal, making sure that signal integrity is maintained between the transmitter and receiver. Given the cable lengths used in the harsh automotive environment, it’s crucial to look at impedance versus frequency to predict how the channel will perform within the vehicle.  In this demonstration you will see Keysight’s multiple channel measurement solution for automotive Ethernet cables, connectors, switches or even harnesses. 

Featured Resources for AE6910L Automotive Ethernet Channel Compliance Software



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