
機器、テストステーション、プロジェクトチームをテストデータの単一ソースに接続します。 複雑なテストワークフロー、測定相関、リソース管理を自動化し、テストラボから工場現場までのオペレーションを最適化します。


テストオートメーションは、従来のテスト自動化・解析ツールに比べてコストと時間を大幅に節約できます。 キーサイトのPathWaveテストオートメーションで、お客様のチームは最も厳しい製品リリーススケジュールにも対応できるよう、必要なすべてのツールを利用できます。






What is Keysight BenchVue?

Keysight BenchVue is a multi-platform software suite that helps design engineers accelerate their design and test workflows. BenchVue eliminates many of the issues around bench testing by combining applications like data acquisition and analysis, instrument control, and test automation into a single platform.

The suite enables you to move quickly past the test development phase and access results faster by making it simple to connect, control instruments, and automate test sequences. Dedicated instrument apps enable you to quickly configure the most commonly used measurements and setups for each instrument family to drastically reduce your development of automated programs and further streamline testing workflows.

What is Keysight BenchVue One?

Keysight BenchVue One is a cloud-based software application that eliminates the challenges of disconnected measurement data acquisition, messy and cumbersome transformation and the lack of visualization flexibility that design engineers struggle with daily throughout the design and test workflow. It offers multi-instrument data correlation, aggregation, and a visualization platform for design and testing — all in a single window. BenchVue One makes it easy to connect to the cloud, correlate data, and collaborate with your team safely and securely across cities, countries, or continents.

What are design and test collaboration tools?

Design and test collaboration tools primarily focus on an engineer's bench top and span instrument control, data acquisition and analysis, and test automation software. These tools improve efficiency and collaboration by correlating data, consolidating and visualizing measurements, and orchestrating and sequencing tests.

What are lab management tools?

True to their name, lab management tools help lab managers and directors manage test teams and organizations. Lab managers often rely on multiple tools to maintain efficient, lab-wide workflows — but asset and resource management is a challenge. By comparison, lab management tools consolidate these disparate tools into a single pane of glass — providing a comprehensive view of assets, activities, and analysis.

These tools help lab managers create and manage test plans — spanning data collection, processing, storage, and retrieval. Asset and resource management applications ensure connected, process-driven workflows that help teams achieve maximum efficiency. Additionally, lab managers can use the tools' data analytics to optimize equipment purchases, enhance test results, and ensure product quality to increase production, quality, and test assurance across the lab.

What are operations management tools?

Operations management tools combine test and measurement metrics with big data analytics. While there are many big data analytics platforms and asset monitoring tools, operations management tools harness the hidden value in granular test data to acquire, transform, and analyze that data to improve the output of design, test, and manufacturing teams.

Instead of prioritizing maintenance upgrades or process improvements, operations management tools focus their data synthesis and analysis functions on output, upon which a company's reputation rises or falls.
