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Enhancing Efficiency in Server Board Testing with x1149 Boundary Scan Analyzer 2.0


In response to the growing industry demand for compliant chips following the new standards, such as IEEE 1149.1-2013 and IEEE 1149.6-2015, in Electronic Design Automation (EDA), semiconductor, Original Equipment Manufacturer (O.E.M.), and Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) industries, companies are actively adapting to this industry-wide shift. Intel, a leading semiconductor vendor, has embraced this trend.

The usage of Platform Controller Hub (PCH) and Central Processing Unit (CPU) chipsets in server boards is rising, creating a need for compliance with the 1149.1-2013 and 1149.6-2015 standards. Most new Intel chipsets support new standards, limiting the test coverage with Server customers and creating a growing concern in the field.



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Column Control DTX