Characterizing H-band sub-THz carrier frequency modulations for 6G
Engineers researching 6G require a wideband modulated signal generator with a high carrier frequency signal to evaluate the behavior of 6G modulated signals. Conducting tests in the sub-THz H-band requires an arbitrary waveform generator in place of a standalone vector signal generator, to overcome limitations in intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidth and modulation bandwidth. Although the industry specifications of 6G frequency and bandwidth remain years away, it will likely require wider bandwidth and higher carrier frequency to achieve data rates greater than 10 Gbps. To generate and characterize H-band candidate waveforms, research engineers need an ultra high-speed arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) combined with a frequency upconverter, plus a signal generator as a local oscillator.
A high-performance signal analyzer is used in place of the 6G receiver. The analyzer characterizes the performance parameters of the wireless transmission. The arbitrary waveform generator should have a large memory to generate candidate 6G waveforms with multiple time frames and the ability to bit error test using pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) signals. Creating candidate waveforms requires signal creation software with flexible assignment of modulation and encoding schemes, building off of standard 5G New Radio (NR) or orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signal generation capabilities.
6G sub-THz wideband research solution
Characterizing the performance parameters of 6G sub-THz wideband signals in the H-band requires an ultra high-speed arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) combined with an upconverter and signal generator as a local oscillator. A high-performance signal analyzer is also required to emulate the 6G receiver. Keysight arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) support up to 65 GSa/s for generating wideband modulated signals. Combined with the Keysight signal generation software, researchers can quickly generate candidate wideband modulated baseband signals. Using a high-performance signal analyzer, researchers can evaluate the impact of modulation schemes on wireless performance long before transmitter and receiver prototypes are available.
High speed AWG with up to 65 GSa/s sample rate and 25 GHz bandwidth on up to 4 channels per module
2,000 mVpp diff max
Data Capabilities
Frequency Range
>240 MHz
Signal Type
Any arbitrary waveform
How to Characterize 6G Sub-THz Wideband Signals
E8257D PSG Analog Signal Generator, 100 kHz to 67 GHz
E8257D PSG analog signal generators deliver industry-leading output power, level accuracy, and phase noise, with frequency from 100 kHz to 67 GHz (extendable to 500 GHz) for testing advanced RF & microwave radar, communications, and control systems.