S97010B Time Domain Analysis
The S97010B time domain analysis capability allows you to measure the time domain response of a device. The analyzer can transform frequency domain data to the time domain or time domain data to the frequency domain.
The S97010B time domain analysis capability allows you to measure the time domain response of a device. The analyzer can transform frequency domain data to the time domain or time domain data to the frequency domain.
- Fully error-corrected time domain reflection or transmission response
- Gating available to remove unwanted responses (from test fixtures for example)
- Transform frequency domain to the time domain or time domain to the frequency domain
- Beneficial in tuning many filter types, including cavity-resonator filters
- Compatible with all the USB vector network analyzer
The time domain capability allows you to measure the time domain response of a device. The analyzer can transform frequency domain data to the time domain or time domain data to the frequency domain.
The transform used by the analyzer resembles time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements. TDR measurements, however, are made by launching an impulse or step into the test device and observing the response in time with a receiver similar to an oscilloscope. In contrast, the analyzer makes swept frequency response measurements, and mathematically transforms the data into a time domain reflectometer-like display.
The S97010B software is compatible with the Keysight Streamline Series Vector Network Analyzers.
Learn more about Keysight Network Analyzer Software