Keysight's Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) for integration with select Infiniium Series scopes is ideal for control, testing, and prototyping applications. It offers a level of versatility that enables you to set up complex real-world signals — whether you need precise signals to characterize the performance of a design or need to stress a device to its limits. The AWG is also referred to as an Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG).
Use the Wave Generator to send command signals, simulate added channel noise, see frequency response, and stress test your designs with ease.
Bode Plotter function included: Gain and phase plots, automatic gain/phase margin. Frequencymode: single or swept; range from 10 Hz to 50 MHz, and 1 to 1,000 points across the test range.
- Connector: BNC, rear panel
- Voltage range, 50 Ω: 1 mVPP [1,9] to 5 VPP [2 ,10]
- Voltage range, 1 MΩ: 2 mVPP [1,9] to 10 VPP [2,10]
- Presets:TTL, CMOS (5 V), COMS (3.3 V), CMOS (2.5 V), ECL
- Vertical resolution: 100 µV
- Vertical accuracy: 2% (< 1 kHz)
- Frequency resolution [3,8] : 12.5 mHz
- Frequency accuracy [4,7]:
- Square/pulse: 1 ppm (f ≥ 8 kHz), [f/25000] ppm (f < 8kHz)
- Other waveforms: 1 ppm (f ≥ 5 kHz), 3 ppm (f < 5kHz)
- Modes: Normal, single shot (all but square, pulse, noise, DC)
- Waveforms: DC, sine, square, pulse, triangle/ramp, noise, sinc, exponential rise/fall, cardiac, Gaussian pulse, PRBS
- Protection: Overload automatically disables output
- Isolation: Not available, main output BNC is grounded
DC offset
- Range:
- ±(8 VDC – Peak AC) into 1 MΩ
- ±(4 VDC – Peak AC) into 50 Ω
- Resolution: 100 μV or 3 digits, whichever is higher
- Accuracy:
- Waveform modes: ± 1.5% of offset setting ± 1% of amplitude ± 1 mV
- DC mode: ± 1.5% of offset setting ± 3 mV
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 50 MHz
- Amplitude flatness: ± 0.5 dB (≤20 MHz), ± 1 dB (>20 MHz)
- Harmonic distortion: -40 dBc [5,1]
- SFDR: Spurious (non-harmonic): -40 dBc [6,2]
- THD : 1% [7,3]
- SNR: 40 dB [8,4]
Square / pulse
- Frequency range: 0.0125 Hz to 20 MHz
- Duty cycle: 20 to 80%, resolution of 1% or 1 ns, whichever is larger
- Pulse width: 10 ns minimum, 1 ns resolution [9,5]
Rise/fall time: 9 ns (10 to 90%) - Overshoot: < 4%
- Asymmetry (at 50% DC): ±1% ± 5 ns
- Jitter (TIE RMS): 100ps [10,6]
Triangle (ramp)
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 200 kHz
- Linearity: 0.01
- Symmetry: 0 to 100%, 1% resolution
- Bandwidth: 40 MHz
Sine Cardinal (Sinc)
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 1.0 MHz
Exponential Rise/Fall
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 10.0 MHz
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 200.0 kHz
Gaussian Pulse
- Frequency range: 12.5 mHz to 5.0 MHz
- Pattern length: 2^7, 2^15, 2^23, 2^31
- Bit rate: 100 bps to 40 Mbps (speeds of 200 MHz divided by an integer value)
- Encoding: NRZ
- Types: AM, FM, FSK
- Carriers: Sine, ramp, sine cardinal, exponential rise, exponential fall, and cardiac
- Source: Internal (no external modulation capability)
- AM
- Profile: sine, square, ramp
- Frequency: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Depth: 0% to 100%
- FM
- Profile: sine, square, ramp
- Frequency: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Minimum carrier: 10 Hz
- Deviation: 1 Hz to carrier frequency or (2e12 / carrier frequency), whichever is smaller
- Modulation: 50% duty cycle square wave
- FSK rate: 1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Hop frequency: 2 x FSK rate to 10 MHz
- 10 mVPP (1 MΩ) / 5 mVPP (50 Ω) minimum if | DC + Peak AC | ≥ 400mV
- 8 VPP (1 MΩ) / 4 VPP (50 Ω) maximum for Gaussian waveshape
- Resolution is Freq/25000 Hz for square and pulse waveforms < 8 kHz
- Include (add) external reference clock frequency error, if applicable
- For amplitude ≤1 VPP at 50 MHz, ≤2 VPP at 40 MHz, ≤5 VPP at ≤30 MHz, into 50 Ω load
- For amplitude ≥5 mVPP into 50 Ω load
- For amplitude ≤1 VPP at 50 MHz, ≤2 VPP at 40 MHz, ≤5 VPP at ≤30 MHz, into 50 Ω load
- ≥35 mVPP, 0V offset, into 50 Ω
- 5 nS if frequency is < 8kHz
- Amplitude ≥20 mVPP into 50 Ω load