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M5400PLSA Quantum Library Dynamic Pulse Generation
- Memory efficient by defining just gate primitives
- Triggering of individual gates performed by the sequencer (HVI)
- Phase Coherent:
- Between pulses: the free-running LO keeps track of the phase
- Between channels and between modules: thanks to the HVI sequencer
- Crosstalk Management:
- 64+ waveform primitives to allow quantum compiler to manage crosstalk
- Permanent phase shifts for automatic crosstalk management
- Ultra-fast:
- FPGA-based gapless real-time operation
- Ultra-low-latency waveform selection for feedback (e.g. QEC or state initialization)
- Ultra-light and scalable:
- Small FPGA footprint
- FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) capable for multi-qubit readout
- Easy-to-integrate in the SW stack:
- Easy-to-use API to control the FPGA IP blocks
Free Trials
- Get a 30-day trial license for M5400PLSA.
- For a single module trial license use the link below.
- For a multi module trial license ask your local sales representative.
Extend the Capabilities of Your Quantum Library Dynamic Pulse Generation
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