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Testing the Future of In-Vehicle Infotainment


Industrialization’s roots can be traced to the automotive sector, and the industry continues to be on the forefront of innovation today. Key to these efforts is harnessing the latest technological advances to push the boundaries of what’s possible and develop new products, services and offerings. And in order to do this effectively, automotive manufacturers and other industry stakeholders must prioritize the performance of their technology. As Henry Ford, arguably the industry’s most famous innovator, put it, [1] “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”

In Ford’s era, this meant sourcing the right parts and labor to build automobiles that made transportation faster, easier and more accessible. In today’s age of connected technology, automotive development is much more complex and digital, but the importance of quality has only grown more critical. This book will examine the emergence of in-vehicle infotainment, and what the trend means for manufacturers, app developers, network providers and other stakeholders—if these groups can ensure software quality even as new innovations enter the market.



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