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Equipment Failure Analysis with U5855A Thermal Imager


Determining the root cause of equipment failures can be challenging for engineers as it may be caused by user abuse, software, or hardware malfunction. When receiving equipment is severely damaged such as shown in Figure 1, it is rather difficult or nearly impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of the failure. Engineers would need to simulate the issue in order to reproduce the failure and determine where and how the burn started. With Keysight’s U5850 Series TrueIR thermal imagers, the task of identifying the root cause is made simpler.


Identifying Thermal Hotspots Using Keysight’s Thermal Imager with Image Logging Capability


Failure analysis engineers, networking equipment designers, and manufacturers would often identify hotspots in their equipment using thermal imagers to either improve the reliability of their product or determine the root cause of a temperature related failure. In many cases, the thermal image of the equipment needs to be captured over long periods of time to monitor the temperature distribution. The accumulated thermal images will then be analyzed for any spikes or abnormalities in temperature.



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