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Current Sensing AFM Measurements Using Keysight 7500


Current Sensing Atomic Force Microscopy (CSAFM) is an extended SPM mode for simultaneously probing the conductivity and topography of a sample. It takes the combined advantage of scanning tunneling microscopy and force microscopy, making it capable of studying localized electric properties of resistive samples. CSAFM utilizes electrically conductive AFM cantilevers and operates in standard contact mode. By applying a voltage bias between the substrate and the conducting cantilever, a current is generated. This current can be used to construct a spatially resolved conductivity image. It also allows for local current vs. voltage measurements (I/V) with purely topographic feedback. It is a measurement useful in a wide variety of material characterization applications, including thin dielectric films, ferroelectric films, nanotubes, conducting polymers, semiconductor devices, etc. CSAFM has also been applied in the study of electron transfer process in single molecules and transport process in ion conducting membranes. 



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