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Virtual Flight Testing of Radar System Using STK and SystemVue


Taking a system-level approach to a complex design often requires upfront integration and analysis, but pays in the long run by focusing time and engineering effort on “winning” design strategies. In this white paper, the Keysight Technologies Inc. SystemVue was integrated with the STK software from Analytical Graphics Inc. (AGI) to take advantage of their respective domain strengths in order to address difficult radar modeling and verification issues. Here are two key items that make this white paper worthy of your attention:

  • Keysight SystemVue can control (or be controlled by) other applications, in order to quantify system-level performance metrics under realistic signaling, RF component and environmental conditions.
  • In this white paper, SystemVue (communications physical layer design) and STK (3D kinetic scenario modeling) were combined to render RF-accurate signals and results, with terrain-accurate Doppler and fading.

In addition to SystemVue’s flexible API, the W1905 SystemVue Radar model library provides radar signal processing/domain IP to render the final details of this particular system, and a friendly  interface to modeling and test equipment. This white paper represents just one of many possible  applications of SystemVue to provide a “system-level” approach to a traditional design or test issue.



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