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Signmatrics SMX2055 5½ Digit PXI Multimeter Data Sheet


Signametrics SMX2055 5-½ digit Digital Multimeter is a full-featured PXI instrument. It is the lowest priced PXI DMM on the market, yet it is a very capable DMM. It surpasses any plug-in or bench DMM, demonstrating fast measurement rate with great stability and repeatability.

Most 5-½ digit DMM’s are limited to 110,000 counts. The SMX2055 sports a superb zero latency A/D with 240,000 counts. The significance of having more than twice the dynamic range is manifested in 5-½ digits resolution over a much wider range of inputs. Measuring a 14V signal, the SMX2055 will display 14.0000V, while other DMM’s will show 14.000V. These units are also very quick and easy to install and run. While other DMMs require many hours of installation, the SMX2055 takes minutes to install. Expect to start making measurements in a matter of minutes.

Very high input impedance preserves the DMM accuracy when testing devices with high sources impedance. Four True RMS AC Volts Current ranges make use of an accurate wide band RMS converter circuit.

The SMX2055 is not just low cost, high performance; it is also the most reliable PXI DMM on the market.

Signametrics did not cut corners to create this DMM. We used innovation and technology, resulting in multiple current sources and low test voltage in resistance measurements, in wider-band AC measurements, and we did not skimp on current shunts. Both AC and DC currents have two built in current shunts, not normally found in lower cost DMM’s.

The SMX2055 joins our full line of 6-½ and 7-½ plug-in DMM’s and Switching Modules for PXI, USB, and PCI. Signametrics high precision DMM’s and Instrumentation quality relay multiplexers will constitute a great foundation for your next test system. Their priceperformance is unbeatable. We have confidence you will be satisfied with these products. A 30 day no risk trial period comes with any of our instruments.



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