Column Control DTX

E5061B Network Analyzer – Product Fact Sheet

Product Fact Sheets

The Keysight Technologies, Inc. E5061B Network Analyzer is the latest addition to the ENA series, that offers a broad frequency range down to 5 Hz while covering the RF range up to 3 GHz. It supports not only the general RF applications such as fi lters or amplifiers measurements, but also the LF applications such as loop-gain measurement of DC-DC converters. Thus, it works as the most useful analyzer in every lab that needs network analysis.

 Wide frequency range in one-box

The E5061B allows you to avoid purchas­ing an LF-dedicated instrument that works only up to MHz range. You can cover ver­satile applications in your lab from near-DC to 3 GHz with the E5061B, also, included is the integrated gain phase test port. Now, more choices are available in the ENA series.

Wide dynamic range

The wide dynamic range of the E5061B throughout its whole measurement frequency range allows you to perform ac­curate at every required test frequency

 More working space

As show, the compact form factor of the E5061B offers a larger working space on you desk compared to the existing network analyzers:

  • E5061B (top): 254 mm deep
  • 8753C (bottom): 498 mm 



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Column Control DTX