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Using the Auto Optimizer on the Medalist ICT Systems



Available in the graphical debug interface introduced at software version 07.00 for the Keysight Technologies, Inc. Medalist i3070 test system, the Auto Optimizer is a tool designed to automatically evaluate and fine-tune analog in-circuit tests in order to improve throughput.


Auto Optimizer runs the analog tests and determines which of the passing tests use complex measurement options. Auto Optimizer then attempts to minimize the use of such measurement options and ensure that the modified tests will pass reliably in production. If the modified test passes stability testing, Auto Optimizer sets the ASRU range for the test and presents the optimization results.


The test engineer can customize the parameters for stability testing, and review the modified tests before saving changes to the test source files.


The Auto Optimizer is especially useful if Support Engineers are allowed to edit the test during production. Using this tool will save a user many hours to list out tests with long test times and then manually edit them one by one. With this tool, this daunting task will be more accessible and thus implementable in today’s high production environment to maintain the production volumes. 



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