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32-Channel Pressure Measurement System with the U2355A DAQ

Case Studies


Hydraulic pressure measurements require the use of accurate data acquisition devices. This document provides you with an overview of how the Keysight Technologies, Inc. U2355A multifunction data acquisition (DAQ) device can be used in the Quatronix hydraulic pressure industry.


In a hydraulic pressure measurement application, the user keeps adding weight manually to increase the hydraulic pressure to the point where the pressure is equal to a certain value that was predetermined. The difference between the real-time pressure value and the predetermined point is then recorded and transmitted to remote monitors located more than 200 m away.

A total of sixteen pressure sensors are preassembled into the machine. The strain gauges used are set up in full bridge configuration. The system solution block diagram is shown below.


This data acquisition system allows user to test the process in real time as well as analyze and evaluate the process with the recorded data at a later time.



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Column Control DTX