Column Control DTX

Synthetic Instruments


N8201A 26.5 GHz performance downconverter SI module

N8211A 20/40 GHz performance analog upconverter SI module

N8212A 20 GHz performance vector upconverter SI module

N8221A 30 MS/s IF digitizer SI module

N8241A arbitrary waveform generator SI module

 – Provides obsolescence protection of automated test systems (ATS) by providing the longest future support life architecture, reducing the lifetime cost of ownership

 – Morphable modules enable the design of scalable systems, and provide the lexibility to insert technology to accommodate future measurement applications

 – LXI interface compliance provides computer interface longevity

 – Offers the industry’s highest RF/MW performance and smallest footprint for ATS

Flexible, Modular, and Morphable Instrumentation

Synthetic instrumentation and the LXI interface standard are a new concept for automated test systems that provide maximum lexibility, and minimize the cost of the system over its lifetime. The concept breaks the measurement instrumentation down into its most basic functional components, and uses basic modules as building blocks for synthesizing a variety of different measurements. Software modules are used to make many different measurement functions from a few common hardware modules.



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Column Control DTX