Column Control DTX

Precision Jitter Analysis Using the Keysight 86100C DCA-J


The extremely wide bandwidth of equivalent-time sampling oscilloscopes makes them the tool of choice for precision analysis of very high-speed waveforms. Historically, low sampling rates have limited their ability to perform in-depth jitter analysis. A revolutionary new sampling/acquisition system in the Keysight Technologies, Inc. 86100C has transformed the sampling oscilloscope into a precision jitter analysis tool. Complete jitter characterization is available including:


– Jitter analysis from 50 Mb/s to over 40 Gb/s

– Extremely high sensitivity through low intrinsic jitter (“jitter noise floor”, as low as 200 femtoseconds)

– Very simple setup and measurements, typically achieved with a single button press

– Separation into random and several deterministic jitter classes

– Both histogram and tabular displays of all jitter elements

– Jitter analysis linked with precision waveform displays for deeper insight into signal behavior


Signal analysis in the amplitude domain is also available to complement jitter analysis. Mechanisms that cause signal levels to deviate from their ideal amplitude positions can also be separated into random and several deterministic categories. Measurements and displays are similar to those available for jitter analysis.


This product note will review the advanced signal quality measurement capabilities of the 86100C as well as the architectural changes (both hardware and algorithmic) that enable them. A review of the measurement procedures will be presented to allow users to quickly get accurate results. The measurement results will then be reviewed and interpreted. Frequently asked questions and answers are presented.



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Column Control DTX