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PathWave Manufacturing Analytics による廃棄 ボードの特定 量産中の廃棄ボードのトラッキングとプランニング時間の改善に着手


In electronics manufacturing, it was very common to get at least one, or a few scrap electronic boards. A scrap is a product in the process of manufacturing that is deemed to be unusable and unsalvageable and therefore will need to be thrown away or recycled for its raw materials, much like a food scrap. End customers or Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) who outsource their electronic board manufacturing get charged for scraps by their contract manufacturers (CM) but have no visibility on where they come from, why it is so and how to improve it. Without the help of some kind of analysis, they are unable to identify the root causes of scraps. “Nobody owns scrap", some might say. You just pay for it. This application note describes a technique that automates the process of identifying scrap electronic boards and analyzes the common issues with failing boards.



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