Fabric Emulator Overview

  • Emulate complex datacenter topologies with realistic traffic constraint conditions.
  • Fairly reproduce real data plane behavior.
  • Integrate with CI/CD by using Open Models/Lean API.
  • Provide an intuitive and interactive workflow for engineers.
  • Set up easily with a light operational burden.

Problem and Solution

Problem & Solution

The Problem

A multi-rack system testbed has many components, is complex, and very difficult to manage. It’s challenging to reproduce realistic datacenter network behavior in a lab, which also contributes to the excessive cost of innovation when designing modern distributed compute systems.

The Solution

Fabric Emulator removes the complexity, enabling you to emulate and test different customer networks and run experiments on them. With Fabric Emulator you can design and create a datacenter network sandbox to evaluate workload behaviors. Without the headaches!

Realistically emulate Data Center Fabrics on a single hardware box

The Fabric Emulator product brings the realism of customer networks into experimentation and test workflows, for developers of the next generation of system components ranging from Data Processing Units, SmartNICs, and storage to communication libraries and transport protocols.

Use Case – Composable DC Infrastructure Vendor

Customer Persona:

  • Fast moving startup environment.
  • Building solution for massively distributed I/O in the data center.


  • Requirement to test the solution against realistic data center setup in an R&D lab.


  • Leveraged Fabric Emulator to quickly instantiate data center topologies on-demand to validate next-gen infrastructure for AI acceleration.


  • Avoid large CAPEX and time investments on operating multiple HW-based network fabrics.

Use Case – Large DPU Vendor

Customer Persona:

  • Major player building out new SmartNIC product line.


  • Requirement to reproduce complex data center congestion scenarios for product testing.


  • Fine-tuned Fabric Emulator to emulate data center-based traffic constraints and to gain insights into SmartNIC behavior under stress.


  • Accelerated product development by rapidly testing SmartNIC under challenging conditions.

Protocol and Load Test

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Featured Resources

  • Congestion control with PFC and ECN
    Fabric Emulator used to emulate an 8-switch topology for the purpose of demonstrating how a combination of PFC and ECN can be used to manage network congestion more effectively.
  • Eight priorities
    Fabric Emulator emulates a switch topology with PFC enabled and 8-priority groups configured. Followed by verification of the 8-priority groups being in use by traffic flows.
  • Maximizing available buffers: Using a shared buffer
    Extending total buffer availability of fabric by changing the default memory allocations for the ports used in the experiment.
  • Maximizing available buffers: Memory partitions
    Increasing total buffer availability by dividing the front panel ports evenly between the ASIC’s two memory partitions.

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