Simulate and verify automotive radar systems with pulse and modulation sources, target and channel models, and automotive signal processing components.


The W4525E PathWave Automotive Library includes:

  • Comprehensive models for automotive radar development and verification
  • Get started quickly with practical example workspaces such as linear FMCW
  • Hardware connectivity to Keysight test equipment to compare simulation and measured data

The PathWave Automotive Radar Library has comprehensive tools for radar waveform generation, signal modulation, antenna modeling, channel simulation and signal processing. Users can simply connect different models to establish the unique automotive radar simulation scenarios. Reference designs, such as multi-targets range and speed measurement and 3D scanning radar using antenna array, offer users much easier starting points to implement their own design ideas into early simulations and prototyping.

Multi-scatter target parameterized simulation models are available in the Automotive Library to coordinate file import to realize and visualize the micro-Doppler effects on the target. This library can import antenna pattern files for ground clutter simulation as well. To accelerate the product development cycle from simulation to pilot and prototyping, the connectivity to test and measurement instruments of the PathWave System Design platform enables upload and download the data files from the schematic workspace.

