- 確保客戶在家庭網路以及其他營運商網路中漫遊時,能夠獲得全年無休的網路服務和高品質體驗(QoE)
- 如需在持續整合(CI)和持續部署(CD)流程中變更網路時,可執行迴歸測試
- 確保服務層級協議(SLA)中定義的網路服務品質(QoS)
- 使用是德科技先進的自動化端對端遠端監測解決方案,簡化網路測試作業
- 您可升級至最新技術和旗艦裝置,讓您的投資永不過時
- 透過選配的主動式散熱系統,在各種環境中進行有效的 5G 網路溫度控制與測試

24/7 Service Assurance
As the number of 5G network rollouts has increased drastically leading to end-users' growing expectations of high-speed network connections, wireless service providers need to find a reliable way to secure network services in critical locations and ensure excellent customer experience across a range of environments. Keysight’s Nemo Active Probe has been designed so that active testing can be performed reliably in demanding 5G network conditions. With the new solution, wireless service providers and national regulators can perform roaming and regression testing and secure 24/7 operational network service, meeting service level agreements (SLAs) established to ensure adequate 5G connectivity levels.
Large-Scale Active Monitoring in Key Locations
Keysight’s Nemo Active Probe is an ideal solution for performing automated, unattended large-scale measurements in key locations where people are using their smartphones and where it is critical to ensure excellent network service. Nemo Active Probes can be deployed discreetly in hotspots, vehicles, and fixed locations, such as airports, offices, campuses, and shopping malls as well as in moving vehicles, such as trains, taxis, delivery trucks, and ships.
Using Keysight’s Nemo Cloud, a single user can monitor and control numerous fixed and mobile probes worldwide from a centralized location, enabling wireless service providers to decrease the reaction time to network problems and to improve network service levels faster than before.

Efficiency Through Automation
Nemo Active Probe combines detailed and comprehensive measurement capabilities with cost-effectiveness and proven automated functionality. Most of the costs of traditional field testing come from the car, the driver, and the in-car technician. Unattended measurement probes can be deployed in fixed locations and existing transportation fleets minimizing the need for dedicated field personnel, reducing the cost of testing. Automation enables efficient resourcing when technically advanced personnel can focus on problem-solving and network development tasks instead of spending time in the field. Time spent on network testing is reduced by 20% and on manual field testing work by 80%.
Seamless End-to-End Solution
Nemo Active Probe with Nemo Cloud and Nemo analytics solutions provides a complete end-to-end solution to remotely monitor live networks and visualize key performance indicators (KPIs) such as latency, data connection quality, voice and video quality, and data throughput in real time. Nemo Active Probe supports all major technologies and the latest Android-based smartphones and test protocols. Service measurements for data and voice are also supported, including voice call and voice quality testing with POLQA 2 and 3, and social media testing with apps.

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