透過軟體升級功能,擴充 FieldFox 手持式分析儀的功能,以獲得更深入的量測和分析洞察力。這些精心設計的功能,讓工程師能在野外執行精準的量測,並獲得媲美桌上型儀器的結果。

適用於 N9934B 的功能(基本型:頻譜分析儀):

  • 反射量測
  • 全頻段信號追蹤產生器
  • 前置放大器
  • 干擾分析儀和頻譜圖
  • USB 功率感測器支援
  • 使用 USB 峰值功率感測器進行脈衝量測
  • 內建功率錶
  • 內建可變直流電壓源
  • 內建 GPS 接收器
  • 遠端控制功能


  • 可用於例行維護和完整除錯的量測功能
  • 透過天饋線分析儀和內建功率錶等極致提昇效能
  • 可在購買儀器或將現有儀器升級時訂購

Spectrum Analysis

209 – Extended Range Transmission Analysis (ERTA)

Measure the scalar transmission gain or loss of waveguide systems, mixers, converters, and long cables where the two ends cannot easily meet.

220 – Tracking Generator

Measure scalar stimuli/responses of active and passive components.

233 – Spectrum Analyzer

Perform high-performance spectrum analysis with four trace options, different detector types, radio standard selection, and flexible limit lines.

235 – Pre-amplifier

Increase spectrum analyzer sensitivity and reduce the DANL.

236 – Interference Analyzer and Spectrogram

Identify interfering signals quickly and accurately using spectogram or waterfall display. Record traces over time and store them for offline processing.  

238 – Spectrum Analyzer Time Gating

Measure the spectrum of a periodic signal during a specified time interval.

350 – Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA)

Use gap-free, real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) with 100 MHz of real-time bandwidth to capture small and intermittent signals masked by larger signals.

351 – I/Q analyzer (IQA)

Demodulate I/Q data and verify final signal chain integration or troublesoot signal quality degradation due to hardware or software issues.

353 – IQ Streaming

Provide gapless IQ data to external application software to perform spectrum monitoring, demodulation, and decoding.

355 – Analog Demodulation

Demodulate and characterize AM and FM signals of radio transmitters by visualizing the RF spectrum, waveform, and metrics such as carrier power and modulation rate.

356 – Noise Figure

Characterize devices like low noise amplifiers, frequency converters, and receivers with portable, one-button Y-factor noise figure and gain measurements.

361 – Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurements

Evaluate EMI pre-compliance limits, identify issues, perform equipment or network regulatory audits, and troubleshoot circuit boards.

Cable, Antenna, & Network Analysis

320 – Reflection meas. (RL, VSWR and scalar meas.)

Measure important parameters that reflect the power transfer efficiency of a given cable and antenna system.

5G/LTE Field Test

312 – Channel Scanner

Verify signal coverage, identify potential interference issues, and optimize network performance with channel power measurements of up to 20 channels at once.

358 – Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Measurements

Evaluate total RF exposure levels in any given area. Verify compliance to regulatory and government requirements using a triaxial isotropic antenna.

360 – Phased Array Antenna Support

Support for a portable phased array antenna that enables beamforming and MIMO analysis for qualifying the 5G air interface in the field.

370 – Over-the-Air (OTA) LTE FDD

Analyze LTE FDD cell information transmitted over-the-air and optimize inter-RAT handovers for overlapping 5G and LTE networks.

371 – Over-the-air (OTA) LTE TDD

Provide insights to available 4G cells at a given frequency or the component carrier for the LTE signals with Time Division Duplex frame structure.

377 – Over-the-Air (OTA) 5G TF

Demodulate and analyze 5GTF cell information transmitted over-the-air from base station downlink multi-path and multi-cell environments.

378 – Over-The-Air (OTA) 5G NR

Measure and decode 5G NR signal quality metrics to verify the 5G coverage at FR1 or FR2 frequencies.

B04 – Analysis Bandwidth, 40 MHz

Optimize signal analysis for communication signals like scalable multi-channel LTE with 40 MHz of bandwidth.

B10 – Analysis Bandwidth, 120 MHz

Enable quantifications for bandwidth-hungry modern signals such as in 5G NR and satellite communications with 120 MHz of bandwidth.

Power Measurements

208 – USB power Sensor Measurement versus Frequency 

Characterize the scalar transmission response of devices such as mixers and converters using USB power sensor measurements versus frequency.

302 – USB Power Sensor Support

Characterize RF pulses such as those used in radar and electronic warfare systems using a USB peak power sensor.

310 – Built-in Power Meter

Make accurate, user-definable channel power measurements such as transmitter output power with no additional external hardware.

330 – Pulse Measurement with USB Peak Power Sensor

Efficiently characterize pulsed RF signals by leveraging a Keysight USB peak power sensor.


030 – Remote Control Capability

View and control FieldFox remotely using an iOS device or an Android device.

307 – GPS Receiver

Attach geolocation tags to measurements with a built-in GNSS/GPS receiver.

309 – DC Bias Variable Voltage Source

Provide power to amplifiers under test and bias tower mounted amplifiers.

352 – Indoor and Outdoor Mapping

Import indoor and outdoor maps for data collection and plotting to the map.

Learn more about each software option in the Technical Overview.

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