透過軟體升級功能,擴充 FieldFox 手持式分析儀的功能,以獲得更深入的量測和分析洞察力。這些精心設計的功能,讓工程師能在野外執行精準的量測,並獲得媲美桌上型儀器的結果。
- 可用於例行維護和完整除錯的量測功能
- 透過天饋線分析儀、內建功率錶、向量電壓錶等極致提昇效能
- 可在購買儀器或將現有儀器升級時訂購
Base model includes a vector network analyzer (VNA).
Explore Software Options for the N9927A
Transmission & Reflection
Use vector network analyzer mode to measure transmission and reflection (S21 and S11) magnitude and phase.
Time-Domain Response Measurements
Display reflection or transmission coefficients in the time domain and remove unwanted responses with time-domain gating.
Full Two-Port S-Parameters
Enable vector network analyzer mode to measure all four S-parameters (S21, S11, S12, S22) magnitude and phase.
Mix-Mode S-Parameters
Make balanced, mixed-mode S-parameter reflection measurements (Scc11, Sdd11, Scd11, Sdc11) with network analyzer mode.
Vector Voltmeter (VVM) Measurements
Measure the phase shift and elctrical length of a device and view the results on the large display from a distance.
TDR Cable Measurements
Identify the location and nature of faults alon cables using time-domain reflectometry measurements.
USB Power Measurements vs. Frequency
Characterize the scalar transmission response of devices such as mixers and converters using USB power sensor measurements versus frequency.
Built-in Power Meter
Make accurate, user-definable channel power measurements such as transmitter output power with no additional external hardware.
USB Power Sensor Pulse Measurements
Characterize RF pulses such as those used in radar and electronic warfare systems using a USB peak power sensor.
Remote Control Capability
View and control FieldFox remotely using an iOS device.
Learn more about each software option in the Technical Overview.
Free Trials
- Get 30-day free trial license
- Enables option on your FieldFox
- Evaluate full-featured version with no functionality restrictions
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