The Keysight E1300A B-size VXI mainframe provides 9 slots. Two of the 9 slots are located internally and are dedicated to housing the 2-slot E1326B multimeter. Three A-size slots are also available for installing, for example, modules like the E1324A RS-232C/422 terminal interface.
The E1300A mainframe features a built-in high-performance command module (functionally identical to the E1306A Command Module) with built-in interface. Standalone operation is easily configured with DC power and IBASIC controller options.
The E1300A comes with 256 K of non-volatile battery-backed RAM. Two memory expansion boards (512 K or 1 M) may optionally be added. This RAM is used for downloaded drivers and the run-time memory that each instrument needs. IBASIC may use the memory for program and RAM disk storage. If only switch modules are installed, then the default of 256 K is sufficient. Otherwise, at least 1M is recommended.
Refer to the Related Links Section below for instrument driver availability and downloading instructions, as well as for recent product updates, if applicable.