Simulate DVB-x2 and GNSS signals for satellite communications systems analysis.
The W4524E PathWave Satellite Comms Library includes:
- Satellite reference signals for DVB-x2 and GNSS systems
- Reference transceivers for system performance analysis and verification
- Connections to Keysight instrumentation for signal generation and analysis
The PathWave Satellite Comms Library provides simulation models and configurable IP reference designs for DVB-S2 SatComm transmitters and receivers, as well as DVB-T2 transmitters and ISDB-T. It also provides the end-to-end system modeling and simulation for GPS and Beidou2 satellite navigation systems, with additional modulation sources for Galileo and GLONASS systems. The library provides reference designs for GPS and Beidou2 transmitters, receivers, and a satellite channel model with troposphere, ionosphere and multi-path effects, enabling users to simulate receiver performance with baseband and RF impairments.
The library enables system designers to perform link-level architecture and algorithm studies. It also enables receiver designers to create precisely configured and faded signals, to exercise receiver designs at either the algorithmic (.m file or C++) or hardware design stages. By linking the simulated waveforms to test equipment, it is also possible to continue verification directly from simulation into the measurement environment, leveraging the same scripts, test vectors, and processing.