Fastest throughput oscilloscope solution for triggering on and analyzing low-/full-speed USB 2.0 serial buses using a hardware-based decoding architecture that detects errors more quickly
Trigger on various USB packet types including token, data, handshake, special, as well various error conditions including PID, CRC, and glitch errors
Dual-bus decoding with time-interleaved protocol lister display
Serial decode trace time-correlated with USB waveforms
Compatible with segmented memory acquisition with decoding on every captured packet
Precision differential probes available
REPLACEMENT PRODUCT: This product has been replaced by package D6000USBA. This replacement enables multiple software options at once.
Keysight's DSOX6USBFL measurement option offers integrated low- and full-speed USB 2.0 serial bus triggering and hardware-based decoding. This option will help you more efficiently debug and characterize your USB physical layer network by having the ability to trigger on and time-correlate your physical layer signals with serial protocol. And with Keysight's unique hardware-based decoding, you get the fastest waveform and decode update rates available, which enhances the scope's ability to detect errors quickly.
Keysight's InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series oscilloscopes can decode two serial buses simultaneously and also display the captured and decoded data in a time-interleaved “Lister” display. Use the automatic Search & Navigation capability to easily set up specific search criteria and then quickly navigate to “found and marked” packets using the scope's touch-screen navigation controls.
The DSOX6USBFL low- and full-speed USB 2.0 trigger and decode option is compatible on all 2- and 4-channel models of the 6000 X-Series oscilloscopes (DSOs and MSOs).