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發佈日期 版本 版本說明
2024-08-13 2025 Enhance the SaveTable() function; Support new options of Monte-Carlo simulation for Spectre; Upgrade the built-in Python to 3.12; Other enhancements and bug fixes.
發佈日期 版本
2024-08-13 2025
Enhance the SaveTable() function; Support new options of Monte-Carlo simulation for Spectre; Upgrade the built-in Python to 3.12; Other enhancements and bug fixes.

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2024.06. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2024.06, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC


  • Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Windows 11 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2023.02. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2023.02, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC


  • Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Windows 11 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2023.02. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2023.02, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC


  • Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Windows 11 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2022.02. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2022.02, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC


  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2021.02. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2021.02, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC


  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2021.02. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2021.02, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC


  • Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Windows 7 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2019.02. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2019.02, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • 需取得授權

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 2019.02. If you are a supported customer and your date-based license version is less than 2019.02, please contact the Keysight EDA Business Support Center for an updated license file. If you are supported and have a numeric license version (i.e. 3.2), login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see "How to Obtain a License".


  • 需取得授權

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

註:執行這套軟體所需的最低授權版本為 2019.02。如果您是授權客戶而授權版本日期早於 2019.02,請聯絡是德科技 EDA 企業支援中心取得更新授權檔案。如果您是授權客戶且擁有授權版號(例如 3.2),請在安裝軟體之前登入 Keysight Software Manager 以便取得更新的授權。關於其他授權,請參閱「如何取得授權」。


  • 需取得授權

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

註:執行這套軟體所需的最低授權版本為 2018.04。如果您是授權客戶而授權版本日期低於 2018.04,請聯絡是德科技 EDA 企業支援中心取得更新授權檔案。如果您是授權客戶且擁有授權版號(例如 3.2),請在安裝軟體之前登入 Keysight Software Manager 以便取得更新的授權。關於其他授權任務,請參閱「如何取得授權」。


  • 需取得授權

Minor Updates

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

註:執行這套軟體所需的最低授權版本為 2017.01。如需升級您的授權,請查閱如何取得授權


  • 需取得授權

Minor Updates

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (64-bit)

注:運作此軟體需要的最低授權版本為 3.2。如需升級授權,請查看“如何獲取授權”。


  • 需取得授權

Minor Updates

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit)
  • Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit)

Note: A new license file is required to use MQA 2014.04.


  • 需取得授權

Minor Updates

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Windows 8 Enterprise

Note: A new license file is required to use MQA 2013.01.


  • 需取得授權

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP

Note: MQA 2012.07 requires new 3.0 version licenses. The licenses will not be backward compatible with prior Accelicon MBP/MQA releases as these releases use a different vendor daemon.


  • 需取得授權

Minor Updates

安裝於: PC


  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP