E4416A/E4417A EPM-P Series Power Meters and E-Series E9320 Peak and Average Power Sensors


EPM-P Power Meter Specifications


Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance and apply after a 30 minute warm-up. These specifications are valid over its operating and environmental range unless otherwise stated and after performing a zero and calibration procedure.


Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide additional information; useful in applying the instrument by giving typical (expected), but not warranted performance parameters. These characteristics are shown in italics or labeled as ‘typical’, ‘nominal’ or ‘approximate’.


Measurement uncertainties information can be found in, Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Power Measurements, Application Note, literature number 5965-6630E.


Compatibility, the EPM-P series power meters operate with the E-series E9320 family of power sensors for peak, average and time-gated power measurements. The EPM-P series also operates with the existing 8480 and N8480 series, E-series CW and the E9300 range of power sensors for average power measurements. For specifications pertaining to the 8480 and E-series CW and E9300 power sensors, please refer to the EPM Series Power Meters, E-Series and 8480 Series Power Sensors, Technical Specification, literature number 5965-6382E. For specifications pertaining to the N8480 series power sensors, please refer to the N8480 Series Thermocouple Power Sensors, Technical Specification, literature number 5989-9333EN.