Electronic Calibration (ECal) Modules for Vector Network Analyzers


Achieve fast, accurate, and consistent measurement

Keysight Electronic Calibration (ECal) modules bring calibration to your vector network analyzers with just a single connection. The ECal modules are state-of-the-art, solid-state devices with programmable and highly repeatable impedance states which are traceable via the National Metrology Institute. ECal modules are controlled directly from the Keysight network analyzers; no external PC is required. Electronic calibration replaces traditional mechanical standard calibration and provides consistent calibration and eliminates operator error while bringing convenience and simplicity to your calibration routine.


Key Features

Keysight ECal modules make calibration of vector network analyzers fast, easy and accurate. These features make Keysight ECal modules an ideal solution for calibrating Keysight vector network analyzers such as the PNA, ENA, PXI VNA, FieldFox and USB VNA’s. 

  • Efficient single calibration standard
  • Precision, accurate transfer standards
  • Broad choice of solutions up to 36-ports
  • Frequency coverage down to DC
  • Supported by trusted Keysight vector network analyzers
  • Custom ECal module using user-characterization