Provides Unique Features for Massively Multichannel High-Speed DAQ Systems
This proven software, designed specifically for large multichannel acquisition, enables configuration management as well as visualization of data for hundreds of channels from a single console.
The fully configurable graphical user interface allows engineers and scientists to easily select instruments and measurement channels for the configuration of the acquisition parameters. Acquired data is presented in multiple, fully configurable display windows for immediate viewing. Additional display functions provide multi-record overlay, persistence, frequency spectrum (FFT with choice of windowing and selectable section of the signal) and scalar computations on each trace. A special option for triggered single shot experiments adds advanced configuration management, digitizer memory protection locking and a fail-safe operation mode to prevent externally induced issues such as manipulation error, and connection problems.
With several license options, U1092A MAQS is scalable to the complexity of the system:
U1092A-S01 for Master Only systems, where a single (Master) client can control an unlimited number of distributed servers. Each server may be controlled or monitored by a single client at any time.
U1092A-S02 for Master and Monitoring, which allows multiple clients for each server as well as an unlimited number of distributed servers. With this option, besides its controlling (Master) client, additional (Monitoring) clients may connect to each server for monitoring or data retrieval.
U1092A-S03 for Single Shot experiments. This option provides full functionality, including controlled configuration, setup and acquisition for triggered, single event data capture. S03 can be installed on unlimited machines (clients or servers) at the licensed site.
Large multichannel systems of high-speed digitizers
Ideal for non-repeatable single-shot experiments with high channel count
Advanced physics such as hydrodynamics, plasma fusion, particle physics and microwave astronomy
Configuration management and visualization of data for hundreds of channels from a single console
Remote operation over LAN for multiple, distributed systems
Advanced features for triggered single shot experiments