Testing low-noise amplifiers with a vector network analyzer
Testing low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) with modulated signals for 5G New Radio (NR) standards compliance requires noise figure and linearity measurements using wideband modulated, calibrated signals. A single test bed, including a vector network analyzer (VNA), vector signal generator (VSG), and multiple instrument software applications, enables a broad range of measurements, including noise figure, adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR), and residual error vector magnitude (EVM) while simplifying test setup.
The VSG supplies the required modulated signal. The VNA provides the necessary level of measurement precision by applying vector-error correction and advanced calibration methods. VNA software applications enable noise figure measurements using the cold source method, as well as adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) and low residual error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements without changing the configuration of the test setup.
Low-noise amplifier test solution
Testing LNA 5G NR compliance requires noise figure and linearity measurements under modulated signal stimulus. The Keysight signal generator and network analyzer with noise figure and modulation distortion software applications form a complete test bed, providing the wideband signals and vector and source calibration necessary for high-fidelity measurements. The integrated upconverter at port 1 of the network analyzer raises the modulated signal from the signal generator to a maximum frequency of 44 GHz. The network analyzer simplifies the measurement setup while delivering vector-corrected noise figure data by leveraging integrated low-noise receivers and applying the cold source method. The network analyzer's wide dynamic range and vector error correction result in extremely low-residual EVM, yielding a complete picture of the LNA's performance without test system interference.
N5182B Gerador Vetorial de Sinais de RF da Série X MXG, 9 kHz a 6 GHz
N5182B MXG X-Series RF vector high performance signal generators are fine-tuned to be your “golden transmitter” in R&D with 9 kHz to 6 GHz frequency coverage. Simulate real-world signals with real-time capabilities with Signal Studio software.