
  • Click the download button and save the upgrade file to a USB flash drive, LAN folder that will be available to the target machine, or directly to the target machine.


  1. Close all open programs and applications
  2. Install latest Microsoft Windows updates
  3. Run the installation package, following all prompts and instructions


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: PC / Instrument


  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Windows 7 64-bit


  • For Windows 7 PCs and 86100D instruments, manual installation of the DigiCert Trusted Root G4 Certificate is required. See ‘TN FlexDCA Installation Troubleshooting Guide’ for additional information.
  • Important! Install latest Microsoft Windows updates before installing this revision.
  • .Net requires updated certificates or it will not install. Alternatively, the target machine can be connected to a LAN with internet access so the certificate can be downloaded during the installation of FlexDCA.


  • N1000A, 86100D, N109xx, N107xx