The following steps are used when you need to set up an ISDN B-channel BERT.

  1. Connect the Internet Advisor to the network you intend to test.
  2. Configure the Advisor for the ISDN bit error rate test you want to run by either selecting a supplied test from the Window Start menus, or by performing the steps below.
  3. Go to the Interface/Protocols folder by clicking the Configuration tool bar button or by selecting Configure from the View menu.
  4. Click the Configuration button in the Data Source portion of the folder to open the physical interface Configuration dialog box.
  5. Set the Run Mode to D+BERT Line or D+BERT Equipment. This configures the Advisor to enable the necessary D-channel signaling used to set up the call. Set or confirm the remaining physical interface configuration parameters to match the network you intend to test.
  6. Click the Simulation folder to bring it to the front. Set (or confirm) the Test Type to either Place ISDN BERT/Data Call, Answer ISDN BERT/Data Call, or Loopback ISDN Call. Set the other call parameters based on the type of call simulation you are going to run.
  7. Click the BERT folder to bring it to the front.
  8. Select the Pattern, Duration, and Block Size for your BERT run.
  9. Select the Error Insert Rate and Error Insert Type that will be used if or when you intentionally inject errors into the bit stream during the run.
  10. When you are finished configuring BERT, you can place or answer the necessary ISDN call by clicking the Start tool bar button, and then start the BERT run by clicking the Start BERT button in the BERT Results view.