Keep Your Defenses Strong

Make sure your security solutions see traffic from every link in your network and get the data they need at high speed. Ensure continuous monitoring and the fastest possible recovery with a high availabilty configuration.

Balance Monitoring With Responsiveness

High-performance Keysight Network Security architecture can:

  • Tap, filter, and process traffic at high speed, to deliver the right data to each security solution
  • Protect network availability during deployment, upgrade, and maintenance of security solutions
  • Ensure continuous security monitoring if an inline solution fails
Security Diagram

Inline Security Concepts Explained

The ABCs of Inline Security, an ebook

Inline security monitoring of live traffic is part of an organization's cyber defense. For each of the 20 terms covered, we offer a simple definition, common use cases, and important considerations for deployment.

Inline Security Deployment Scenarios

Learn more about the benefits of inline security in the following scenarios.

Keysight offers solutions for blocking malicious traffic.

Reduce Security Alerts

Pre-filtering traffic keeps security tools from being overwhelmed and helps staff focus on high-priority alerts. Find out more.

Keysight ensures continuous inline security inspection.

Ensure Continuous Inspection

When every second counts, make sure you maintain security inspection during hardware or software failures.

Keysight visibility solutions reduce the workload on your security tools.

Maximize Tool Efficiency

Intelligent traffic filtering reduces the workload on your security tools and maximizes their efficiency. Find out more.

Importance of Resilience

Will you still be protected if your security infrastructure suffers a temporary outage? Or be able to upgrade without service disruption? Make sure security and monitoring tools can recover from unexpected disruptions with the industry's fastest failover.

Upgrade Without Downtime

Upgrade security solutions without downtime

Did you know you can upgrade and maintain your security solutions without disrupting network availability or waiting for a maintenance window? Deploying an external bypass in front of inline security tools lets you route traffic around any device you need to take offline.

The Value of Inline Security

Case Study:  Compliance Drives an Urgent Need for Inline Security Solutions

Financial Services Firm Reduces CAPEX on Tools by $680K

Deploying a security architecture let this company chain inline security tools together to increase efficiency.

Case Study:  Healthcare Provider Eliminates $1.5M in HIPAA Fines

Healthcare Provider Eliminates $1.5M in Compliance Fines

High availability deployment of next gen firewall satisfies need for robust threat detection.

Infographic: Upgrading Your Firewall is Half the Battle

Infographic: Upgrading Your Firewall is Half the Battle

Upgrading your firewalls or migrating to NGFWs can be the perfect time to deploy a more robust inline security architecture.

We can help you build a security architecture that delivers relevant data at high speed, with complete resiliency.