N9094AK allows you to upgrade the Windows operating system or PC processor, or order an additional removable solid state drive.


Upgrade operating system to Windows 10

  • Take advantage of more memory and functionality with the Windows 10 operating system and a 64-bit processor
  • Windows 10 operating system requires a 64-bit processor
  • Upgrade existing 64-bit processor to Windows 10 delivered pre-loaded on a removable solid state drive
  • Upgrade to Windows 10 from a 32-bit processor by ordering a 64-bit processor pre-loaded with Windows 10

Upgrade processor

  • Significant speed enhancements and increased memory
  • Dual-core 64-bit performance processor, 8 GB RAM, removable solid state drive (CXA and EXA ONLY)
  • Quad-Core 64-bit Performance processor, 16 GB RAM, removable solid state drive
  • Fully imaged with the Windows operating system and instrument software
  • Specify operating system: Windows 10

Add removable solid state drive

  • Additional removable solid state drive for secure measurement environments
  • Rugged removable bay design with minimum 1,500 insertion cycles
  • Fully imaged with the Windows operating system and instrument software
  • Specify operating system: Windows 10

Only the Keysight X-Series signal analyzers are architected for operating system and processor upgrades as an alternative for installed-base customers to purchasing new instrumentation. The N9094AK upgrade ordering item allows you to select the Windows operating system version, 64-bit PC processor or additional removable solid state drives. Operating system upgrades are delivered on a removable solid state drive as a standalone item or as part of the upgrade to 64-bit processor. Unlock deeper memory with the Windows 10 operating system and fast 64-bit processing.

Extend the Capabilities of Your Product

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