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Pulse Generators
Detailed insight into your system's signal integrity

Powerful, Flexible Testing Solutions
Keysight high-speed pulse generators offer the most comprehensive portfolio of stimulus solutions for the generation of digital and analog waveforms and data signals. The Keysight pulse generator test equipment covers a frequency range from 1μHz to 56 Gb/s and an output amplitude range from 50 mV to 20V.
- High-quality signals with low intrinsic jitter resulting in accurate and reliable measurements
- Glitch-free timing change allows continuous operation without rebooting your device
- Powerful data sequencing features allow the generation of complex data
- Clear and precise signal jitter injection allows stress test
- Full control over all pulse parameters like timing, levels, edges, continuous or triggered pulse streams
Find the Model that's Right for You
M8192A synchronization Module for up to 6x M8190A Arbitrary Waveform Generator units.
The 81150A pulse function arbitrary noise generator is a high precision pulse generator with signal generation, modulation, and distortion capabilities.
81160A pulse function arbitrary noise generator is a high precision pulse generator with versatile signal generation, modulation, and distortion capabilities.
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