ADS and EM design environments with 3D RF layout for multi-technology RF module design and module level DRC/LVS/LVL verification for error-free assembly. Nonlinear Harmonic Balance circuit) and RFPro EM (Momentum and FEM) simulators.


The W3615B ADS Core, EM Design Core, Layout, RFPro, HB includes:

  • 3D RF layout for multi-technology RF module design
  • Module Level physical verification (DRC, LVS, LVL)
  • Harmonic Balance nonlinear circuit simulator
  • RFPro EM (Momentum and FEM) simulators
  • Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) optimization at circuit level
  • Comprehensive nonlinear stability analysis
  • EM Design enables the creation and import of parameterized 3D components into ADS

ADS bundle for multi-technology RF module physical design with module level verification (DRC, LVS, LVL) for error free assembly and 3D avoidance routing interconnections. RFPro EM simulators (Momentum and FEM) allows any selected electrical nets and components to be simulated without layout modifications or cookie cutting. Harmonic Balance nonlinear circuit simulator enables RF modules to be designed for unconditional nonlinear stability. RFPro EM-circuit cosimulation ensures EM effects of packaging and interconnects are accounted for to achieve consistent design wins.

