關於 Keysight World Tech Day 2023

Keysight Tech Day 是一個獻給工程師、產業領袖和創新者的盛會,旨在探討即將改變人類體驗的突破性技術。今年的現場活動將於 9 月 20 日舉行,屆時將有多位業界領袖和具前瞻思維的是德科技專家齊聚一堂,與您一同探索全球最新技術趨勢、生態系統連動變化,並詳細介紹各種最新的測試解決方案。

科技快速演進重新塑造了我們的日常工作和生活。今年,我們看到許多先進的無線連接技術問世;自動駕駛 / 電動車以及軟體定義車輛改變了人們的交通方式;高速互連使得人工智能成為每個人解決許多具有挑戰性任務的方便工具。Keysight Tech Day 提供一個激發創新思維和交流的平台;同時將展示超過 25 個實機的演示,體現 Keysight 在量測領域的成果並協助您克服各項技術挑戰。

歡迎報名參加 Keysight Tech Day 活動,開始你的創新之旅!


B5G 6G

Track A: Innovating the Next Generation Wireless Communication

In this track, we explore the groundbreaking advancements brought by the next generation of wireless technology, revolutionizing speed, intelligence, coverage, security, and efficiency. With the recent release of 5G standards, we witness the emergence of new applications like RedCap, NTN, and more. Moreover, the early discussions surrounding 6G have already commenced, driving the development of key technologies to overcome existing challenges. Join us as we provide updates on the current state of B5G and delve into the essential enabling technologies of 6G.​

Validating Automotive Innovations​

Track B: Driving Success in Changing Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is accelerating its revolution and fusing with the clean energy ecosystem. Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) are the next evolution toward full vehicle autonomy while sensor modeling and fusion become necessary. On the other hand, rapidly evolving standards and applications in EV and EVSE bring up several challenges on meeting safety standards, ensuring interoperability and conformance to emerging vehicle-to-grid standards. Join our industry insiders to deliver innovations faster and better with high-performance automotive test solutions for cross-domain technologies.​

Building the Foundation of AI

Track C: Unleashing AI’s Potential through High-Speed Digital Technologies

High-speed digital standards are quickly evolving to keep pace with emerging technologies such as 5G, IoT, AI, VR, and autonomous vehicles. Each generational change introduces new test challenges for your digital designs. You need to test your high-speed digital designs across all product development stages - from design and simulation, analysis, debug, and compliance test. We will help you anticipate test challenges, optimize performance, and accelerate time-to-market of your high-speed computing interfaces, data center connections, and consumer electronics.​


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