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E4727B Advanced Low-Frequency Noise Analyzer


Measure Semiconductor’s Flicker(1/f) Nosie and RTN with Wafer Mapping


The Keysight E4727B/W7802B is a turn-key solution to measure flicker (1/f) noise and RTN  (Random Telegraph Noise) of semiconductor’s device. The Keysight W7801B is bundle software  to control Keysight B1530A (WGFMU). These solutions can control semi-auto probe station and get  mass wafer mapping noise data automatically.



• Process design kit development

• Manufacturing statistical process control and reliability

• IC noise specification


E4727B Key Features


• 1/f noise corner frequency measurement in very high frequency

• Extremely low device noise measurement such as transistor linear region noise by newly designed LNA

• State of the art new LNA also allows noise measurement in very low bias current

• High power device noise measurement even in the high current like 1A

• Improve measurement productivities by fast measurement speed even in the high accurate condition with number of averaging.


W7802B: PathWave WaferPro Express A-LFNA Measurement and Programing bundle Software


The A-LFNA software and user interface is built on top of the PathWave WaferPro Express measurement platform. The A-LFNA’s built-in measurement routines make DC and noise measurements turnkey. For example, to measure noise on an N-Type MOSFET, the system automatically chooses the source and load impedances that will best expose the intrinsic device noise. The engineer can accept these recommended settings or make changes, and a noise measurement is initiated. The A-LFNA then measures noise power spectral density (1/f noise) and noise in the time domain (RTN). Resulting data is plotted using a “multiplot” data display window. Various windows tabs help facilitate common tasks such as evaluating device DC  operating point and measuring the slope of the power spectral density curve.


Key features


• Seamless integration with PathWave WaferPro Express measurement platform

• Advanced data display and analysis, enabling noise data comparisons and modeling with respect to bias current

• Automated control of all major wafer probing systems

• A-LFNA module features DC measurements, 1/f noise, RTN and data analysis

• Flexible hardware averaging for throughput-accuracy tradeoffs

• Multiple built-in biasing schemes for flicker noise characterization

• Measured data compatible with Keysight device modeling software

• Guided system calibration procedure

• PEL and Python measurement routine language support



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Column Control DTX