To upgrade within the A.02.xx and A.03.xx range of firmware revisions:


Special Upgrade information for going from A.02.xx/A.03.xx to A.04.00 or later:

The instructions on this web page must be followed whenever FieldFox firmware is to be upgraded from A.02.xx or A.03.xx to A.04.xx or later.

The instructions below will first install A.04.02 or A.04.03 (depending on FieldFox serial number) and then install the current firmware version.

The upgrade to A.04.xx firmware involves a change of the Windows CE operating system (CE 5.0 to CE 6.0) and a change in format for option license files.

This firmware upgrade process includes installation of replacement option license files. The user will manually record installed options before beginning the actual upgrade. When the upgrade process is complete, the installed replacement options are compared to the original set.

This upgrade process is designed to complete with minimal operator interaction but it will take longer that a normal firmware upgrade.

The instructions below refer to the FieldFox serial number. The serial number label is on the rear of the instrument.


  1. Check the FieldFox firmware release revision, press System (7), press Service Diagnostics, then press System Information. Confirm that the firmware revision is earlier than A.04.00.
  2. (This step is optional) If a printed record of the Microsoft CE operating system upgrade is desired, click here.
  3. Display and manually note the the installed options on the FieldFox. Press System (7) twice, press System Configuration, press Options, then press Show Options.
  4. Click on the appropriate link below to download a file to a PC. (Do not copy the zip file to the USB flash drive.)
    - N9912A_A.04.02.ZIP Use this file if FieldFox serial number begins with US or SG.
    - N9912A_A.04.03.ZIP Use this file if FieldFox serial number begins with MY.
    Note: Both A.04.02 and A.04.03 load functionally identical firmware onto the FieldFox, there is no difference in performance. The only difference is serial numbers supported for replacement option licenses. FieldFox - Firmware Archive
  5. Prepare the USB flash drive. Check that there are no file names in the root directory that begin with N99.....
  6. Right click on the file and make the appropriate menu selection to extract the single compressed file to a USB flash drive. (The uncompressed file must be stored in the root directory on the USB flash drive.)
  7. Connect the AC/DC power adapter or confirm that the battery power is greater than 30%.
  8. Press and hold the FieldFox white power button to turn the unit OFF (not Stand By mode).
  9. Insert the USB flash drive in one of the FieldFox USB connectors. Note: insert only one USB flash drive when updating firmware.
  10. Press the FieldFox power On button. After a short wait, you should see the Upgrade Firmware screen.
  11. Press Start to load the firmware update from the USB flash drive. Checkboxes appear on the screen as the update progresses. Important: Do not power OFF during the firmware update process. Use the AC/DC adapter if battery power is low.
  12. When prompted, remove the USB flash drive. The FieldFox will shut down and restart automatically.
  13. Normally, the upgrade process will pause temporarily on the Licensing Upgrade screen for less than 30 seconds then automatically continue. If the process does not automatically continue, follow the instructions on the screen to continue the upgrade process.
  14. Wait for the FieldFox to enter normal operation in its default measurement mode before attempting to operate the FieldFox as a measurement instrument.
  15. Check the firmware release revision it is as expected. Press System (7), press Service Diagnostics, then press System Information.
  16. Compare the displayed options to the option set manually recorded in an earlier step. The order of the options is not significant. When comparing the lists, ignore any option identified as "N9912A." If there are missing licenses other than "N9912A", contact Keysight.
    (Note: the Expiration column for each option may be "Permanent" or blank, both indicate there is no expiration date for the option)
    Troubleshooting note: if no options are installed because you used the incorrect file in step 4 above, download the correct file and repeat the process beginning at step 5. The correct options should be installed.
  17. Return to FieldFox - Firmware to install current firmware revision.

Saving License Upgrade files to a USB memory stick:

When troubleshooting licensing problems, it may be necessary to copy license upgrade files from the FieldFox to a USB memory stick so that the files can be transferred to a PC.

Insert a USB memory stick into the FieldFox. Press Save/Recall (9), press More, press Manage Files, press Copy All Files, press Copy to USB.

All the files from Internal:\UserData will be copied. The files of interest are Old-license.lic and LicenseUpgradeLog.txt.

Note on known LAN connection problem: with firmware A.04.xx the FieldFox may take up to 15 minutes to recognize that a LAN cable has been connected, see FieldFox Operation Problems for details and work arounds.