
Tackle Next-Generation Automotive Radar Design and Test Challenges

There are many challenges during the test setup when working with mmWave frequencies for automotive radar applications. You need to consider the test setup, ultra-wideband mmWave measurements, signal-to-noise (SNR) loss as well as emerging standard requirements per region for interference testing. Not accounting for these requirements will impact the quality and performance of your radar module, potentially leading to expensive redesign, lengthened design cycles, and even possible product recalls.

The Keysight Automotive Radar Tx, Rx, and Interference Test Solutions help you perform analysis and generation of automotive radar signals across full frequency ranges for 24 GHz, 77 GHz and 79 GHz. It provides scalable analysis bandwidths, from 2.5 GHz to > 5 GHz, depending on your test requirement.

  • Signal generation and analysis across the full frequency range for 24 GHz, 77 GHz and 79 GHz
  • Scalable analysis bandwidth from 2.5 GHz to > 5 GHz
  • Expandable test capabilities by integrating the Keysight W1908 SystemVue automotive radar library software for simulation of multi-target detection and automotive radar 3D scan

Key Specifications


24 GHz,
77 GHz and 79 GHz

Analysis Bandwidth (Scalable)

2.5 GHz to > 5 GHz

Automation Software

Pre-defined test setups for ETSI standards

Conformance and Spurious Emission Test

0-330 GHz

Interference Test (wide-field signals, wide modulation bandwidth)

> 4 GHz

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Interference Mitigation

With so many automotive radars on the road, along with other signals such as 5G backhaul working in adjacent bands, it becomes increasingly important for radar designers to ensure their devices perform as expected, even in the presence of many different signals.

Detect spurious emissions in the 0-330 GHz range in your radar modules with the AR8700T radar Tx and conformance test solution.

Scienlab Laboratory

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