When purchased with a logic analyzer, the application software you order is installed on the instrument hard drive. If you are controlling a logic analyzer from a host PC, you must install the following software before you can make measurements.

If you are controlling a logic analyzer from a host PC, you must install the following software before you can make measurements.

To use this software, you must install the latest version of three packages:

  • Logic and Protocol Analyzer Software
  • B4621A DDR2 and DDR3 Bus Decoder
  • and this software

After you have downloaded the software, double-click on the setup file then follow the instructions which are displayed.

リリース バージョン 内容
2015-02-09 05.90 For installing the compatible DDR2/3 protocol compliance and analysis tool software package.
リリース バージョン
2015-02-09 05.90
Version Description
For installing the compatible DDR2/3 protocol compliance and analysis tool software package.


  • Click the download button, select file and save.


  • After you have downloaded the software, double click on the setup file then follow the instructions which are displayed.


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC / Instrument


  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP SP3
  • Windows Server 2003 SP2
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
  • Windows 8.1


  • 16900 series and U4154A Logic Analyzers