Change voltage, stabilize, and make accurate measurements in less than 1 ms!

In automated test environments, the adage “time is money” is never more prevalent. Thus, speed of test is critical. The faster you are able to test a device, the more money you will save. Keysight’s M9111A PXIe High-Speed Source/Measure Unit (SMU) was specifically designed for this environment. It helps you achieve high-throughput, while maintaining measurement quality in design validation and production test of power amplifiers.

The M9111A can change its output voltage, stabilize that voltage, and accurately measure current from Amps down to micro-Amps all in less than 1 ms so that you can move on to the next test as quickly as possible.

  • Output ratings: 13V, ± 1A, 13W or 6V, ± 3A, 18W
  • Measurement accuracy: 0.05% + 1 mV, 0.05% + 300 µA (3A range), 0.05% + 100 nA (1 mA range), 0.05% + 10 nA (100µA range)
  • Digitize voltage and current at ~200k samples/s
  • High-speed changes in voltage with fast settling times
  • High-speed recovery and low-voltage droop when the DUT pulls fast slewing current pulses
  • High-speed, accurate µA leakage current measurement

Source Faster, Measure Faster

The M9111A is a 1-slot, 2-quadrant PXIe module that provides stable, glitch-free sourcing and sinking, and high accuracy measurements. It offers high-throughput and measurement quality for design validation and production test of RF power amplifiers. With industry-leading output stability under extreme, dynamic load conditions and unmatched transient performance to dramatically reduce voltage drop due to pulse loading, the M9111A SMU speeds test time. The high-speed M9111A can change its output voltage, stabilize that voltage, and accurately measure current from Amps down to micro-Amps all in less than 1 ms so that you can move on to the next test as quickly as possible.

The M9111A is part of the Keysight RF power amplifier/front-end module (PA/FEM) reference solution, which enables rapid, full characterization of next-generation power amplifier modules, such as power-amplifier devices, including S-parameter, demodulation, power, adjacent channel power and harmonic distortion measurements. This Reference Solution addresses two key test challenges facing PA/FEM manufacturers: reducing cost and increasing data throughput.

Principais especificações

Maximum Voltage Per Output
13 V
Maximum Current Per Output
3 A
Resolução Mínima de Medição de Corrente
1.4 nA
Taxa de amostragem máxima
0.2 MSa/s
Maximum Voltage Per Output
Maximum Current Per Output
Resolução Mínima de Medição de Corrente
Taxa de amostragem máxima
13 V
3 A
1.4 nA
0.2 MSa/s
Visualizar mais
Form Factor:
Taxa de amostragem máxima:
0.2 MSa/s
Maximum Current Per Output:
3 A
Maximum Output Current:
3 A
Maximum Output Voltage:
13 V
Maximum Voltage Per Output :
13 V
Resolução Mínima de Medição de Corrente:
1.4 nA
Resolução Mínima de Medição de Tensão:
120 μV
Number of Channels:

Standard Configurations

M9111A PXIe High-Speed Source Measure Unit

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