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In this course, you'll learn how to identify signal integrity issues and get techniques that will help you open up your digital channel's eyes.
Lesson 1 - Signal Integrity Issues
Introduces the concept of signal integrity and discusses the four steps for finding and solving signal integrity problems in high-speed digital designs.
Lesson 2 - Evaluating a Failing Channel with an Eye Diagram
Discusses the use of eye diagrams to evaluate failing channels in high-speed digital designs.
Lesson 3 - Investigating a Failing Channel
Learn how to use time domain reflectometry (TDR) to investigate a failing channel.
Lesson 4 - S-Parameter Basics
Examine how to use time domain reflectometry (TDR) to investigate a failing channel.
Lesson 5 - Verifying the Signal Integrity Root Cause
Discusses how to use time domain reflectometry (TDR) to investigate a failing channel.
Lesson 6 - Techniques for Opening the Eye
Reviews how to use time domain reflectometry (TDR) to investigate a failing channel.
Lesson 7 - Techniques for Opening the Eye
Understand techniques that can be used to open the eye of a failing signal. An open eye is a wide and clear eye diagram, which indicates that the signal is not being distorted. Techniques for opening the eye include adjusting the termination resistors, adding series resistors, and using differential signaling.
High-Performance Digital Products
Modern products are driving the need for faster processing, lower power consumption, and more precise measurements.
White Papers
Signal Integrity Fundamentals
This paper includes simulation and measurement recommendations to help you design your device for high signal integrity.
Notas de Aplicação
Signal Integrity Fundamentals on the UXR
This application note highlights why signal integrity matters for next generation testing.
W3624B ADS Core, EM Design, Layout, HSD Ckt Sim, SIPro
The W3624B ADS Core includes post-layout EM verification for high-speed serial. SIPro provides Signal Integrity analysis of complex high-speed PCBs.
How to Analyze PCB Signal Integrity
Analyze signal integrity with an oscilloscope and signal integrity analysis software
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