Column Control DTX

Understanding the SystemVue To ADS Simulation Bridge

Notas de Aplicação

The Keysight Technologies, Inc. SystemVue is a new system-level design environment that enables a top-down, model-based design methodology for both communication physical layer (PHY) systems and aerospace/defense systems. This application note examines the link from SystemVue directly into an RF hardware design low that allows mutual system-RF co-veriication. At a practical level, this is achieved by adding special I/O blocks that connect datalow simulators in both SystemVue 2010.01 and Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS) 2009 Update 1. This connection allows a complex-valued, sampled I/Q datastream from SystemVue to low to ADS where it can be processed with the Circuit Envelope or Transient/Convolution circuit simulator and then return to SystemVue for coded receiver and demodulation.


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Column Control DTX